Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Dubya Wins!

Each time we elect a president, I like to try and think ahead a bit and see what things are likely to happen. Obviously, I'm no expert; this is just my gut feeling on the situation at hand. Now that I have this blog, I think this is the perfect place to express it.

My predictions for the next 4 years...

1. Debt Increase - The US National Debt which is currently $7.4 trillion will exceed $15 trillion. There appears to be no end in sight for the current 2 occupations (Iraq & Afghanistan). I can only guess that we will continue to spend at our current rate or higher.

2. More tax cuts for the rich - If it wasn't already a sweet enough deal for those who make $1mil+/yr, it's going to get better. Who will pay? Those of us who make $250k or less a year. Our day-to-day expenses (gas, food, clothing, etc) will continue to go up, our salaries will stay flat or go down, and we might get 1-3% shaved off our tax bill which Bush will say is a tax cut for the middle class (whoo hooo), but we will experience a net decrease in spending power. My only advice is to suddenly find a job paying $1mil+. Good luck, because 5-10% of you will probably lose your job to outsourcing.

3. Another Occupation - Dubya will get bored with Iraq and Afghanistan and decide to invade another "Evil Doer" nation. This of course will increase point #1 above (the national debt), but also some how or another improve his approval rating. Everyone seems to love a good war against "evil."

4. Education fallout - The no child left behind act has been his claim to fame as far as education goes, however it's not really working. Charlotte alone has lost over $10mil in federal funded programs for at-risk kids. Bush just says that it's working, and everyone seems to believe him. Soon enough the truth will come out that it's a failing program and by then it's already too late for our youth. Luckily, we will have the military for them to join since we will be in dire need of bodies to help with point #3 above (the new occupation). You could probably send your child to private school (and get a tax break for it in the next couple years [another prediction]) if you could only afford it. However because of point #2 above, you will find it harder and harder to come up with additional money. Your only choices are to find a high paying job, increase your personal debt or suffer through failing public schools.

5. Increase in Crime - Fewer available jobs paying less money only means more crime. It's not rocket science.

Sorry for all the negativity, but I just don't see the next 4 years as very bright. We'll check back in 4 years to see how close I come.

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